Gift and Donation Policy Statement

Donations of materials are gratefully accepted with the understanding that the library may add them to the collection if they meet established standards for purchased materials, with emphasis on currency, physical condition, and need.  All gifts added to the collection must be donated with no restrictions and must be available for public use.  If materials are not added to the collection because of duplication, condition, or dated information, the Director will donate, sell, or dispose of them as he/she sees fit.

Monetary gifts donated for specific purposes shall be accepted for disposition as nearly in accordance with the donor’s wishes as Library policy permits. All unsolicited gifts, bequests and endowments may be devoted to buildings, equipment, materials or operating expenses as determined by the Library Board of Trustees.  

Gifts of non-library items may be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director. All gifts become the property of the library, to do with it as it wishes.

The names of people making donations to the Library will not be released without their consent.

By law, the Library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgement of receipt of the items if requested by the donor. The Lester Public Library of Arpin encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.

Reviewed and Updated: June 2022